A mission to create a
Riba-free society

We’re building a world-class financial system that can grow wealth in a way that aligns with your values.

For illustrative purposes only*

Build Real

Invest in assets usually reserved for ultra high net-worth investors at a fraction of the cost.

Free your Finances from Riba

Create long-term wealth without sacrificing your faith through our Shariah certified products.

A 300,000+
Strong Community

Join a community of over 300,000 people across the world who are leaving Riba behind.

Deeply rooted in Shariah

Shariah is the heartbeat of our work. To ensure we are always on track, an independant body of scholars approve everything we do.


Our Shariah Committee are made up of senior scholars in Islamic finance. They set the rulings for our activities and ensure that we are always acting in line with the Shariah.

Zakat Made

We provide curated Zakat reports based on the specific portfolios you hold with us to help make Zakat calculation a breeze.

Purifying your

Shariah-compliant investing can be subject to complex and lengthy purification calculations. We make this easy and provide you simple annual reporting.

How it works

It's as simple as opening an account, selecting your risk tolerance and investing your funds - we'll handle the rest. No paperwork, No meetings, No Stress.

Step 1
Select your risk tolerance
Step 2
Set your investment goal
Step 3
Fund your account
Step 4
We’ll take care of the rest!