How it works

Our halal investments are structured in accordance with the strictest Islamic principles
For illustrative purposes only, not actual performance. Past performance is not indicative of future results. See terms and conditions for full disclosures.


Select how much risk
you wish to take


Start investing


Wahed will manage
the rest

You control the risk level

Our halal investments are structured in accordance with the strictest Islamic principles
chart image

Click here to learn more about Wahed's assumptions and projections. Actual performance may be better or worse than predictions included herein, which are assumed rates of returns based on historical performance and are for illustration purposes only. Diversified portfolios and asset allocation do not guarantee profit or protect against loss.
Values shown are net of Wahed fees.

Performance summary

As of February 29, 2024
Cumulative Returns (Before Taxes)*
1 Year
3 Year
5 Year
10 Year
Cumulative Returns (Before Taxes)*
Very aggressive
Very aggressive
1 Year
3 Year
5 Year
10 Year
1 Year
3 Year
5 Year
10 Year
Moderately aggressive
Moderately aggressive
1 Year
3 Year
5 Year
10 Year
1 Year
3 Year
5 Year
10 Year
Moderately conservative
Moderately conservative
1 Year
3 Year
5 Year
10 Year
Very conservative
Very conservative
1 Year
3 Year
5 Year
10 Year

*For illustrative purposes only. Click here to learn more about Wahed's assumptions and projections. Actual performance may be better or worse than predictions included herein, which are assumed rates of returns based on historical performance and are for illustration purposes only. Diversified portfolios and asset allocation do not guarantee profit or protection against loss.

Source: Bloomberg. Values shown are net of Wahed fees, which are assumed to be 0.79% Where historical performance history is limited for funds, similar indices are used as a proxy to illustrate performance. You cannot invest directly in an index.

Performance information is presented net of all management fees, commissions and expenses unless indicated otherwise. For all periods, the performance information includes the reinvestment of dividends and interest unless otherwise noted.

Projected or hypothetical performance is intended to show only an expected range of possible investment outcomes based on historical average returns and a standard deviation of each investment type contained in the investment plan recommended by Wahed’s, but does not take into consideration the effect of taxes, changing risk profiles or future investment decisions. Projected and hypothetical performance does not represent actual accounts or actual trades and may not reflect the effect of material economic and market factors.

Any comparisons to indices are provided for illustrative purposes only. An index is a broadly diversified, unmanaged group of securities, which may include only large reporting issuers or issuances of a certain size. Broadly based indices may be shown only as an indication of the general performance of the financial markets during the periods indicated.Because of the differences between the client allocations and any indices shown, Wahed cautions investors that no index is directly comparable to the performance shown since each index has its own unique results and volatility, and such indices, if shown, should not be relied upon as an accurate comparison.

The return, composite and performance information shown on the Site uses or includes information compiled from third-party sources, including independent market quotations and index information. Wahed believes the third-party information comes from reliable sources, but Wahed does not guarantee the accuracy of the Site information and may receive incorrect information from third-party providers. Unless otherwise indicated, the information on the Site has been prepared by Wahed and has not been reviewed, compiled or audited by any independent third-party or public accountant.

This is what you'll invest in

Our halal investments are structured in accordance with the strictest Islamic principles

The Wahed FTSE USA Shariah ETF has been designed to be used as the basis of Shariah compliant investment products that meet the requirements of Islamic investors globally. A milestone for the Shariah-compliant investing space, our fund is now publicly available. This fund tracks the Wahed FTSE USA Shariah ETF.

The Wahed Dow Jones Islamic World ETF provides investors with access to international, ex-U.S. investments that seek to better align with their values. The new fund expands our screening beyond Shariah-compliant or halal constituents by also filtering based on environmental, social, and governance factors.

The essence of Sukuk is to provide Ethical compliant instruments for investments which do not involve interest and excess uncertainty. It is a primacy of equity financing. The Sukuk holder has an ownership on the underlying asset which is entitled for revenues generated from the Sukuk asset unlike the bondholder who is eligible to receive interest payments by the bond issuer. The Sukuk limits the value of debt to that of the underlying. It must be asset backed or asset based and interest free.

Commodities as an asset class have had historically low correlation with stocks and bonds. We have included gold to represent this asset class. Gold provides the potential for long-term capital appreciation and acts as an inflation hedge. The gold ETF included in our portfolio effectively captures the price volatility of gold in the spot market, thereby generating a return that is similar to the returns in the spot market.

Wahed FTSE USA Shariah ETF

The FTSE Global Equity Shariah Index Series has been designed to be used as the basis of Shariah compliant investment products that meet the requirements of Islamic investors globally. A milestone for the Shariah-compliant investing space, our fund is now publicly available. This fund tracks the FTSE Shariah USA Index.

Wahed Dow Jones Islamic World ETF

The Dow Jones Islamic World ETF provides investors with access to international, ex-U.S. investments that seek to better align with their values. The new fund expands our screening beyond Shariah-compliant or halal constituents by also filtering based on environmental, social, and governance factors.


The essence of Sukuk is to provide Ethical compliant instruments for investments which do not involve interest and excess uncertainty. It is a primacy of equity financing. The Sukuk holder has an ownership on the underlying asset which is entitled for revenues generated from the Sukuk asset unlike the bondholder who is eligible to receive interest payments by the bond issuer. The Sukuk limits the value of debt to that of the underlying. It must be asset backed or asset based and interest free.


Commodities as an asset class have had historically low correlation with stocks and bonds. We have included gold to represent this asset class. Gold provides the potential for long-term capital appreciation and acts as an inflation hedge. The gold ETF included in our portfolio effectively captures the price volatility of gold in the spot market, thereby generating a return that is similar to the returns in the spot market.

Investment committee

Our halal investments are structured in accordance with the strictest Islamic principles

Samim Abedi

Chief Investment Officer, Wahed

Samim Abedi

Chief Investment Officer, Wahed Inc.

Ex. JP Morgan, Global Investments and Fixed Income Investment Strategy. Ex. Trading and Investments at Google

Omar Bassal

Shukr Investments, ex-MASIC

Omar Bassal

Founder & Chief Investment Officer, Shukr Investments

MBA with honors in finance, management, and statistics from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. Ex. Head of Asset Management at NBK Capital

James Walker

Cue Ball Capital, ex-JPM

James Walker

Partner, Cue Ball Capital

Ex. Managing Director and Global Head of Investments for J.P. Morgan Private Bank

Nobel Prize

Our halal investments are structured in accordance with the strictest Islamic principles
Noble Prize medal

A financial plan
tailor-made for you

Our halal investments are structured in accordance with the strictest Islamic principles

Start your journey to wealth

Our halal investments are structured in accordance with the strictest Islamic principles