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The Wahed FTSE USA Shariah ETF has been designed to be used as the basis of Shariah compliant investment products that meet the requirements of Islamic investors globally. A milestone for the Shariah-compliant investing space, our fund is now publicly available. This fund tracks the Wahed FTSE USA Shariah ETF.
The Wahed Dow Jones Islamic World ETF provides investors with access to international, ex-U.S. investments that seek to better align with their values. The new fund expands our screening beyond Shariah-compliant or halal constituents by also filtering based on environmental, social, and governance factors.
The essence of Sukuk is to provide Ethical compliant instruments for investments which do not involve interest and excess uncertainty. It is a primacy of equity financing. The Sukuk holder has an ownership on the underlying asset which is entitled for revenues generated from the Sukuk asset unlike the bondholder who is eligible to receive interest payments by the bond issuer. The Sukuk limits the value of debt to that of the underlying. It must be asset backed or asset based and interest free.
Commodities as an asset class have had historically low correlation with stocks and bonds. We have included gold to represent this asset class. Gold provides the potential for long-term capital appreciation and acts as an inflation hedge. The gold ETF included in our portfolio effectively captures the price volatility of gold in the spot market, thereby generating a return that is similar to the returns in the spot market.