The Halal
Workplace Pension

A Workplace pension crafted for employers in supporting their workforce to save for retirement, in true adherence to Shariah.

Pioneering Pensions for Muslims

Glide Path Default

A measure of de-risking your pension as you get closer to your retirement

Best in Class Tech

Swift, integrated and accessible - for you and your employees. Smart Pension are a leading workplace pension provider.

Truly Shariah Compliant

Our Shariah Supervisory Board rigorously screens investments to ensure halal returns.

Fill out form

Initiate offering a halal pension and empower employees with faith-aligned financial security.

Next steps

We're here to ensure a smooth transition and answer any questions you might have.

Smart Onboard

After onboarding, you'll manage employee pensions with increased automation, transparency, and control.

Shariah-compliant Pensions

Foster financial inclusion and empower communities.

Partnering with Smart Pension

Smart Pension is one of the UK’s largest workplace pension providers and offers a defined contribution master trust to over 70,000 employers.

Trusted pension provider

Regulated by The Pensions Regulator and with an experienced independent board of trustees ensuring enactment in members' best interests.

Purpose-built, digital-first

Technology developed completely in-house specifically for pensions, making scheme management simple and accessible through a user-friendly app.

The Halal Workplace Pension

Provide your employees with the peace of mind of a Shariah-compliant retirement savings plan designed specifically for their needs.